Wednesday, December 31, 2008

I control everything, like a dictator.

Doing the RE-UP.

Monday: Work; wow, that was the busiest day I've ever had, had to stay a little overtime to finish correcting all these fucking papers. After that though, me and Jao went to Starbucks to wait for Harry, who was picking us up. We went to Stonestown next and I bought my late Kris Kringle gift, at Metropark; Haha. We went to Tap-Ex cause me and Jao needed to use the bathroom; we see Russell and Chris Matson there and yeah, random. We pick up Aaron and then Berna and we go to Classic. F/ck I suck at bowling, but I got 3rd place in the 2nd game and tied with Jao for last place on the last gameee ): Left Classic around 1230 and we go to 7-11 and I buy 4 packs of Hi-Chew's because they're so delicious. Went to Westmoor around 1 cause we were bored and yeah, did nothing. Harry dropped us all off and I took a big deuce that almost clogged the toilet. (:

Tuesday: Really didn't want to work today, and coincidentally, I got that wish. I totally forgot I had an orthodontist appointment today at 6 which interferes with my work hours. So my mom bumps the appointment to 4:45 so my Dad could give me a ride there and pick my mom up from work since the building and my mom's work is only 2 blocks away. After that, my madre and I went to Stonestown (again for me) so she return ALL her Christmas gifts, lmao. I was planning on getting Vans, but decided against it. Come home around 7 and I just do my usual routine of staying on my laptop while listening to music until Aaron IM's me around 9 if I wanna chill with peoples, so he tells me to call people up because he's getting a haircut from Pat. I call up Dillon and text Sam and we plan shit. Harry picks me up and he gives me some of this godly beef jerky that he got from his house. Pick up Dillon, then Aaron and we finally go pick up Jao. The car ride going to Twin Peaks was pretty fun, relentless sing-alongs, wasted gas and bad directions took us an hour to get there, Haha. We get there and we just throw shit at Michelle n em and vice-versa. We go to Nation's around 1 and I buy Chili fries for everyone to share. Yeah, Michelle and them leave and we leave shortly afterrr. Go home and surprisingly sleep early after recording a video on Facebook as promised. (:

TODAY THOUGH! Going back and hopefully getting my iPhone soon. (:

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