Sunday, January 4, 2009

You're my future wifey.

Yeah, these last 3 days were pretty much some of the realest and greatest times I had for a long time. I usually make my blog titles from song lyrics or song titles, so yay for random titles. So while I wait for my parents to come home because they apparently party more than me (which is sad in my case), I'm going to blog on New Years and the days after that.

New Year: Damn aaron, you gave the guys and I the best lecture ever. Even though I look half asleep through half of it, I pretty much heard everything. Thankfully I recorded an eighth of it on my camera. Definitely changed my perspective on relationships and dating. love you guys <3

Speaking of dating though, I really want to just make a move but I'm just mad too pussy to do anything about it. F/ckin nice guy, I'm kina tired of being that guy who's overshadowed by other guys to you girls. And I like to solidify aaron's comments on his last blog about girls being unsure about a guy: just go on a date and see where it leads you. We're not asking you to marry us or anything, we just want to see if there's a spark that's hidden and if not..then nothing; you didn't lose anything, maybe a couple of hours of your life but that's it.

I think I have more to say but my parents just got back now and mocha's jumping like fuck again. Byeee for now.

1 comment:

Lacson said...

haha no prob. you know i love you! :)