Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Girl stop, wait a minute, take off your pants.

Phew, today was chill. Halo 3, that was refreshing. Need to save some money, phew there's an UrbanOutfitters sale with free shipping with purchases over $100. Basically warrants me to go shopping, haha. Lets see..well, Cristina wants me to ask my cousin to dj for her cotillion. I'm kind of excited about that. He's pretty gooood.

Anyways, I'm about to do some economics homework, then sleep.


All the girls standing in the line for the bathroom!

HoesDontKnow. I don't know, random; but it sounds dope. Haha, so today was a chill day, work was boring as usual. I'm so happy I have no work tomorrow because whenever I go to Kumon, I die a little inside, GAH! Deposited my paycheck, goodstuff. Also, my bro returned the xbox to costco, got refunded, and bought a new xbox! (: I'm about to bring back my Halo 2 Gamertag, FirmTomatoes. Yeah, sexual innuendos intended though.

Anyways, film/lit journals are fucking me right now and I don't want to be fucked all night, so time to do work! Laters.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Be my baby, be my girl, be my shawty, be my world.


So like, I wake up and check my iphone "7:27". My mom says not to go to school since I'm late in getting ready. I'm on AIM and I find out Aaron didn't go to school, and I texted Dillon and found out he didn't go to school, or got suspended? Just chilling and decide to go to school, but not before I got subway for my nigga, Michelle. I didn't realize that I had a test for Film/Lit; I should've just stayed home! :[

aar0n (10:07:31 AM): i think you should crush on someone else. ________ is very..i don't know how to explain

Yeah, this makes me kind of sad, but it's very true. Too many things can go wrong with that. Sigh*, oh well, I'm just gonna wait and see how things pan out. Anyways, I'm waiting for EJ to download the Resident Evil 5 demo and then we'll play that.

I'm out, later.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

I'm ME and you're YOU!

Part Deux since I didn't finish yesterday.

Well, yesterday we chilled at Harry's playing gears; got some time to finish some french hw. We go to Berna's around 7 for her birthday party with hella old people there, haha. We basically just played 10 Fingers majority of the time. Harry always wins against Michelle, but she puts up a good fight! (:

Anyways, after each game of 10 Fingers, the loser had to drink X teaspoon amounts of spicy soy sauce depending on how many fingers were down. Well, Michelle had like 6-7-ish and she needed a chaser to wash down the soy sauce, so I gave her a couple with little soda and she needed more, so I gave her another cup, but when she drank it, it was soy sauce and not soda! (Haha I just happeend to grab dillon's cup that he poured soy sauce in) Sorry again chelle!

Chinese New Year tomorrow; all you guys are lucky mofo's. Year of the Goat, chinese horoscope sounds better and is more clear than regular horoscope. Hopefully I get some money from my cousin-in-law, who's Chinese =) Don't really matter though, this week should be like any ordinary week but with less work I hope. Cotty practice on saturday, cha cha first, right cristina? Jao, if you read this, better keep up! Haha JK JK =)

Anyways, it's time to sleep, fckn school tomorrow, and top it off with work. I'm going to be tired. Byeeeeeeeeee!

Girl I Gotta Be Next To You

So... the last two weeks have been fun and restless.

Last friday, we actually got to chill with Marjo and Cristina! We went to Ocean Beach to play some football. It was (Dillon, Andy, Jordan, Chao, Jao and Me) against (Aaron, Harry, Joseph, EJ, Cristina and Marjo). The highlights had to be tackling EJ from behind on the first play (GET UP EJ!), getting an interception on our own goal line, and Aaron just raping us with his speed. Julia, Cindy and Berna came later and we happened to triple team (me dillon andy) EJ and threw him in the ocean, lmao. After that, EJeeeeeezy and I rode with Cindy, Julia, Jao, and Berna to Stonestown so they can buy something for Kaye's 18th birthday. Oh yeah, I wore my towel when we got there. You can't even imagine how many heads turned when they saw me, Haha. + the girls were ashamed to be with me.

Fast forward to Saturday night, Aaron tells me to get ready so we can go to Harry's boy scout / basketball feast. Harry was emcee and was bossing all the other boy scouts to fetch us seats and plates. The plates though, Crab legs, pasta, and garlic bread ftw. Harry made one of the kids run away in shame cause he's a beast like that, lmao. We left and Harry was throwing crab shells at people's cars and were doing Japanese fire drills on the freeway and stop signs. Epic stuff; went to Safeway to buy a 12-pack of Red Bull for the jagerbombs. I drank like two while playing 2K9 and I eventually fell asleep around 4-5 a.m.

Sunday morning, or should I say afternoon? We woke up around 2, but Harry had to leave around 1 for his basketball game. We walk to Berna's and go to Malibu Grand Prix. Haha, miniature golf and bumper boats was fun, but I'd say the go-kart racing was the best out of the three. Jao's first time driving; she doesn't brake right away and bumps into aaron, fail. Cindy loses to Andy in table hockey twice in a row, fail again. We leave Malibu around 9, but we get some gas and pick up some energy drinks for our last jagerbombs; yeah we killed it, haha. We go to Berna's and yeah, they already drank without us. Surprisingly none of the guys drank yet all the girls did, not right. Berna's hand clapper, fails. Andy, Harry and I sleepover with "the pack" and I wake up watching 30 Days of Night, Step Brothers, and Mamma Mia.

Leaves us to Tuesday, we go back to school, late start though. Before that though, Harry and I meet up with Cristina at Starbucks real quick. Drive to school, chill ass day for me, I seriously didn't do any work, until afterschool, when I actually had work. Work was pretty chill, kids stop coming to the table around 630, which gave me some time to chill and bother and "help" Jao and Cindy. That midnight, I snuck out to go with the guys and the girls to Golden Gate Park for Berna's 18th birthday, and then we went to Denny's after. Pretty fun, got caught sneaking out though. That wasn't cool.

I didn't finish this blog cause I'm really tired, I'll talk about today tomorrow. HA, k?


Thursday, January 22, 2009

Hey peoples. So like, I got caught for sneaking out, and my punishment is going home by midnight if I go out. But anyways, last weekend was pretty fun; beach, harry's feast thing and sleeping over aaron's, and malibu grand prix for berna's 18th bdayy. I won't go into details because I have a trig test tomorrow, but for now, here's me and chi's annual summer movies-to-watch list.

[ ] 9
[ ] Taken
[ ] Dragonball Evolution
[ ] Terminator: Salvation
[ ] Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
[ ] Tekken
[ ] Watchmen
[ ] G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra
[ ] Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
[ ] X-Men Origins: Wolverine

Friday, January 9, 2009

Hi, The Unborn was pretty good, in a funny way. I'm at aaron's with the guys and girls, watching the failed novel-attempted film, Jumper. I feel bored and I'm just not feeling this right now. Hopefully tomorrow is better.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

You're my future wifey.

Yeah, these last 3 days were pretty much some of the realest and greatest times I had for a long time. I usually make my blog titles from song lyrics or song titles, so yay for random titles. So while I wait for my parents to come home because they apparently party more than me (which is sad in my case), I'm going to blog on New Years and the days after that.

New Year: Damn aaron, you gave the guys and I the best lecture ever. Even though I look half asleep through half of it, I pretty much heard everything. Thankfully I recorded an eighth of it on my camera. Definitely changed my perspective on relationships and dating. love you guys <3

Speaking of dating though, I really want to just make a move but I'm just mad too pussy to do anything about it. F/ckin nice guy, I'm kina tired of being that guy who's overshadowed by other guys to you girls. And I like to solidify aaron's comments on his last blog about girls being unsure about a guy: just go on a date and see where it leads you. We're not asking you to marry us or anything, we just want to see if there's a spark that's hidden and if not..then nothing; you didn't lose anything, maybe a couple of hours of your life but that's it.

I think I have more to say but my parents just got back now and mocha's jumping like fuck again. Byeee for now.