Sunday, January 25, 2009

I'm ME and you're YOU!

Part Deux since I didn't finish yesterday.

Well, yesterday we chilled at Harry's playing gears; got some time to finish some french hw. We go to Berna's around 7 for her birthday party with hella old people there, haha. We basically just played 10 Fingers majority of the time. Harry always wins against Michelle, but she puts up a good fight! (:

Anyways, after each game of 10 Fingers, the loser had to drink X teaspoon amounts of spicy soy sauce depending on how many fingers were down. Well, Michelle had like 6-7-ish and she needed a chaser to wash down the soy sauce, so I gave her a couple with little soda and she needed more, so I gave her another cup, but when she drank it, it was soy sauce and not soda! (Haha I just happeend to grab dillon's cup that he poured soy sauce in) Sorry again chelle!

Chinese New Year tomorrow; all you guys are lucky mofo's. Year of the Goat, chinese horoscope sounds better and is more clear than regular horoscope. Hopefully I get some money from my cousin-in-law, who's Chinese =) Don't really matter though, this week should be like any ordinary week but with less work I hope. Cotty practice on saturday, cha cha first, right cristina? Jao, if you read this, better keep up! Haha JK JK =)

Anyways, it's time to sleep, fckn school tomorrow, and top it off with work. I'm going to be tired. Byeeeeeeeeee!

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